China’s Ten Years Series of Thematic Press Releases | New historic achievements have been made in the cause of national unity and progress in the new era —— "China’s Ten Years" series of thematic pres

  新华社北京8月17日电 题:新时代民族团结进步事业取得新的历史性成就——“中国这十年”系列主题新闻发布会聚焦新时代民族团结进步事业成就与举措




8月17日,中共中央宣传部举行“中国这十年”系列主题新闻发布会,介绍新时代民族团结进步事业成就与举措。新华社记者 金良快 摄



  "The correct way to solve ethnic problems with China characteristics is to pursue a better life for all ethnic groups. Realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is to promote 56 ethnic groups as a whole to move towards socialist modernization, create a bright future for the Chinese nation and share the great glory of national rejuvenation. " Zhao Yong said.

  Cast a solid sense of the community of the Chinese nation

  Zhao Yong introduced that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission has done tangible work closely around building a sense of community of the Chinese nation and strengthening the construction of the community of the Chinese nation, and achieved positive results. The depth and breadth of exchanges and exchanges between people of all ethnic groups are unprecedented.

  Guo Jianmin, director of the Cultural Propaganda Department of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, said that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, relevant departments have made laws and regulations, formulated policy plans, implemented major cultural projects, held major cultural activities, actively built distinctive platforms such as festivals, folk customs, exhibitions and cultural tourism, and promoted the inheritance, protection and innovation of national cultures. People of all ethnic groups have become more passionate, more proud and more confident about Chinese culture.

  Hua Yanlong, director of the Ethnic Affairs Bureau of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, said that some key tasks currently being carried out include strengthening the collation of historical materials and further improving the historical narrative of the Chinese nation; Strengthen academic research to lay theoretical support for establishing a correct view of history of the Chinese nation; Strengthen publicity and education, so that the correct view of history of the Chinese nation will continue to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Promote unity and progress, double harvest

  Zhao Yong said that in the past ten years, the per capita disposable income of urban residents in ethnic areas has increased by 7.7% annually, and that of rural residents has increased by 10.2% annually. Through poverty alleviation and well-off life, countless people’s fate has changed, countless people’s dreams have been realized, and countless people’s happiness has been achieved.

  Zhao Yong said that poverty alleviation and a well-off society have brought historic changes to ethnic areas: the living standards of the people of all ethnic groups have been greatly improved, the ideological concepts of the people of all ethnic groups have undergone profound changes, the endogenous motivation of ethnic areas has been greatly enhanced, the party’s ruling foundation in ethnic areas has become more solid, and socialist ethnic relations have been consolidated and strengthened.

  "In the past, the hard bones of getting rid of poverty and heading for a well-off society were in ethnic areas, and now the hard bones of realizing modernization are also in ethnic areas." Zhao Yong said that practical and effective measures should be taken to push the people of all ethnic groups to move towards socialist modernization.

  The creation of national unity and progress is a gold-lettered signboard jointly created by people of all ethnic groups in China, which has been innovatively developed since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Zhao Yong introduced that the creation work has become a booster to promote local economic and social development. All localities have integrated the creation of national unity and progress into economic and social development, which not only promoted economic development and industrial upgrading, but also improved people’s livelihood, solved practical difficulties and problems around the masses, and promoted a double harvest of unity and progress.