In 2021, the No.1 Document of the Municipal Party Committee focused on the work of agriculture, countryside and farmers in the new development stage: comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and

China News Network reported that the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the Great Hall of the People on the evening of 4th, and the press conference was in the form of online video. Zhang Yesui, spokesman of the conference, introduced the main arrangements of the conference and answered questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

Zhang Yesui responded to many hot topics in this press conference that lasted until late at night, and the amount of information was not small.

On the evening of March 4th, the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The picture shows the venue. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

[The conference lasts for 7 days, starting on the morning of March 5th and closing on the afternoon of 11th]

Zhang Yesui introduced that the conference will last for 7 days and will open on the morning of March 5 and close on the afternoon of the 11 th. A total of three plenary meetings were arranged.

There are 10 items on the agenda of the conference: the first item is to consider the government work report. Second, review the fourteenth five-year plan for national economic and social development and the draft outline of the long-term goal in 2035. Third, review the plan report and draft. Fourth, review the budget report and draft. Fifth, consider the NPC Standing Committee’s proposal on submitting the Organic Law of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (Revised Draft). Sixth, consider the NPC Standing Committee’s proposal to submit for deliberation the Rules of Procedure of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (Revised Draft). Seventh, consider the motion on the Decision of the National People’s Congress on Improving the Electoral System of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Draft). Eighth, review the work report of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC). Ninth, review the work report of the Supreme People’s Court. Tenth, review the work report of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

[International anti-epidemic cooperation is not for pursuing geopolitical goals]

Zhang Yesui said that so far, 17 COVID-19 vaccines have entered the clinical trial stage in China, of which 4 vaccines have been approved for conditional marketing in National Medical Products Administration, and many vaccines have been approved for phase III clinical trials abroad.

Zhang Yesui said that the China government encourages and supports vaccine companies to export vaccines to countries willing to buy China vaccines. At present, more than 40 countries have imported or are negotiating to import China vaccine, most of which are developing countries.

Regarding the so-called "vaccine diplomacy", he said that in the face of the epidemic, it should be said that nothing is more important than human life safety and health. China’s international anti-epidemic cooperation is not to pursue geopolitical goals, and it has never attached any political conditions, but to protect the safety and health of more people. It is hoped that more countries with the ability will take action to provide vaccines to the international community, especially developing countries, and contribute to international anti-epidemic cooperation.

On the evening of March 4th, the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The picture shows that before the press conference, CCTV reporters broadcast live in the Media Center of the sub-venue. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

There are more than 2.62 million deputies to the Fifth National People’s Congress in China]

Zhang Yesui introduced that practice has proved that the people’s congress system is a good system that conforms to China’s national conditions and reality, embodies the nature of a socialist country, ensures that the people are masters of their own affairs, and guarantees the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

He said that there are more than 2.62 million deputies to the five-level people’s congresses in China, including representatives from all walks of life, regions, ethnic groups and various aspects. Among them, the deputies to the people’s congresses at the county and township levels account for 94% of the total number of deputies, and are elected by voters with one person, one vote.

Zhang Yesui said that this congress will review and revise the organic law and rules of procedure of the National People’s Congress, that is, sum up practical experience, uphold and improve the people’s congress system, so as to better adapt to the new development of the situation and the new expectations of the people.

[The electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region needs to keep pace with the times and be improved]

When answering a question about the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Zhang Yesui said that the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an important part of the political system of the Special Administrative Region. The situation in recent years shows that the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region needs to be improved with the times, so as to provide a sound institutional guarantee for comprehensively and accurately implementing the principle of "one country, two systems" and the principle of "patriots ruling Hong Kong".

He said that the National People’s Congress, as the highest organ of state power, exercises the functions and powers entrusted by the Constitution and the Basic Law, and makes decisions on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region from the constitutional level, which is both the power and the responsibility of the National People’s Congress.

On the evening of March 4th, the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

[There is no problem that China deliberately chose a low poverty alleviation standard]

Regarding China’s poverty alleviation standard, Zhang Yesui said that the current poverty alleviation standard in China is a comprehensive multi-dimensional indicator, which includes both per capita income indicators and "two worries and three guarantees" as the basic requirements and core indicators for poverty alleviation.

"Two worries and three guarantees" means ensuring that the poor people in rural areas have nothing to eat and wear, and that compulsory education, basic medical care and housing security are guaranteed. These aspects require a lot of financial investment, but they have greatly improved the living standards of the poor people.

On the whole, he said, China’s poverty alleviation standard is in line with its own level of economic and social development, higher than the poverty standard of $1.9 per person per day set by the World Bank in 2015, and higher than the absolute poverty line of the United Nations sustainable development agenda in 2030.

He said that there is no question that China deliberately chose a low poverty alleviation standard.

[China’s strengthening of national defense construction does not target or threaten any country]

Regarding China’s defense expenditure, Zhang Yesui said that China’s defense expenditure is generally in harmony with the country’s economic development level. Maintaining moderate and steady growth of defense expenditure is the need to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, fulfill international responsibilities and obligations, and adapt to the military reform with China characteristics.

He said that the key to measuring whether a country poses a military threat to other countries depends on what kind of national defense policy the country pursues. China adheres to the path of peaceful development, pursues a defensive national defense policy, and strengthens national defense construction without targeting or threatening any country. 

On the evening of March 4th, the press conference of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress was held in the press conference hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. China News Service reporter Jiang Qiming photo

[Building a new development pattern is by no means a closed domestic single cycle]

Regarding the relationship between expanding domestic demand and opening up, Zhang Yesui said that building a new development pattern is by no means a closed domestic single cycle, but an open and mutually promoting domestic and international double cycle. It is to make the domestic market and the international market better connected by giving full play to the potential of domestic demand, attracting global resource elements with the domestic big cycle, and making better use of both domestic and international markets and resources.

He said that under the new development pattern of "double cycle", China will intensify its institutional opening, continue to create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment by promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and achieve mutual benefit and common development with all countries in the world.

[China and the United States cut off supply and decouple to harm others and harm themselves]

In response to a question about Sino-US relations, Zhang Yesui said that each country has its own historical culture and social system, and there is no distinction between high and low.

Zhang Yesui said: it is normal for China and the United States to have differences on some issues. It is not in the interests of either side to cut off supply or decouple, which harms others and harms themselves.

He said that the two countries share important common interests in a wide range of fields, such as climate change, anti-epidemic, promoting world economic recovery and maintaining regional peace and stability. It is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples to make joint efforts and take the phone conversation between the two heads of state as an opportunity to strengthen dialogue, focus on cooperation, manage differences and promote the stable development of Sino-US relations, which is also the general expectation of the international community.

Original title: This late-night press conference has a lot of information!

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