Detective Chinatown 3 expert seminar on telling the story of China was held in Beijing

      On January 11th, the film Detective Chinatown 3, written and directed by Chen Sicheng, held an expert forum in Beijing. Yin Hong, Vice Chairman of China Film Association, Zhang Yiwu, Vice Chairman of China Film Critics Association, Wu Yajun, Director of Film and Television Department of Central Academy of Drama, Gao Xiaoli, Director of Art Criticism Department of Wenyi Bao, current affairs communicator, Chen Li, former director of Information Center of Central Political and Legal Committee, representatives of producers of Detective Chinatown 3 (hereinafter referred to as "Tang Tan 3"), and Chen Shengqi, Chairman of Beijing Yitong Film and Television Legend Culture Co., Ltd. attended the meeting.

      Telling the story of China well is the initial intention of Tang Tan.

      At first, the experts agreed that the series of "Tang Tan" paid tribute to traditional culture, and also spoke highly of the producer’s vision for the future of the film industry. Yin Hong, vice chairman of the China Film Association, said that "Tang Exploration 3" perfected the concept of "Tang Exploration of the Universe", which not only formed a series of films and online dramas, but also shaped the world view of the film text. This is very valuable for the current movies. Since many Hollywood series of works were released in China, the audience’s aesthetic expectation of the world view of movies is much higher than in the past. The space of a single movie is limited, and it is only when the series of movies form IP that it is possible to construct a relatively complete world view.

      Wu Yajun, director of the Film and Television Department of the Central Academy of Drama, also affirmed the creation of Tang Tan IP. He said that the process from Tang Tan 1 to Tang Tan 3 is an excellent case of cultural IP incubation. During the incubation process, Tang Tan IP has an endogenous ecosystem, which will have a good continuation effect on the development of other series of key words such as high IQ, case detection and modernity in the future.

      Zhang Yiwu, vice president of China Film Criticism Society, raised the cognition of the IP of Tang Tan series to a genre level. He believed that since the series of Tang Tan, a new genre has emerged in China films, which involves the identification of Chinese culture. Wang Baoqiang’s role is Chinese, Tang Ren is a Tang native in Chinatown, and this situation in Chinatown is native to the Central Plains. China’s films did not pay much attention to overseas Chinese groups before, but only had a superficial understanding. In fact, there are many types of overseas Chinese, including those from Thailand, Southeast Asia, and European and American countries. Although they all have the basic attribute of "Chinese", there are still great differences among individuals. These differences are fully displayed in the series of Tang Tan, which is a good example for studying China’s modern cultural mentality.

      Good movies need box office and more positive energy.

      Gao Xiaoli, director of the art criticism department of Wenyi Bao, also agrees with this very much. She believes that the three detective series of Tang Tan are all cross-cultural texts. Now, globalization may include all aspects, and movies are becoming more and more global. This globalization is manifested in all aspects, including cultural collisions. Just like "Tang Tan" went from Thailand to the United States and then to Japan, it collided with other cultures. Our cultural self-confidence is not to sit at home and talk about cultural self-confidence, but to face the whole world, tell the story of China well, and let the whole world see the excellent culture of China in the movies. This is the real cultural self-confidence.

      Chen Li, a political communication scholar and former director of the Information Center of the Central Political and Legal Committee, also highly recognized the cultural self-confidence in the series of Tang Tan. He said that it is impossible for any work to carry too many educational tasks. A movie or a novel can make people remember one sentence and a plot is enough to make us awe the directors and actors. Therefore, it is difficult for us to give a work too much social and historical tasks, including political enlightenment. A movie has a box office, and everyone feels that it is worthwhile not to regret it after watching it. As a movie for the Spring Festival, it is definitely not suitable to be too heavy. There are many comedy elements in "Tang Tan 3", but besides commercial elements, there are also many positive things. At present, judging whether a work is successful is not to maximize the benefits, but to maximize the box office. If the positive energy is small and there are many businesses, it is still not a successful work. Nowadays, the young audience has a very high awareness of positive energy works. It is very valuable that "Tang Tan 3" not only brings entertainment to the audience, but also spreads positive energy.

      Finally, Chen Shengqi, the chairman of Beijing Yitong Film and Television Legend Culture Co., Ltd., made a concluding speech on behalf of the producer. He said that the reason why it was named "detective chinatown" was because there was a symbol of China in China. It was also the original intention of the series "Tang Tan" to use this symbol of China in the world to tell the story of China, shape the customs of China and tell the story of China in the language of the world.

      The film "Tang Detective 3" will meet the national audience on the first day of the New Year’s Day.