Play the key role of science and technology in overcoming epidemic situation.








  新冠肺炎疫情发生后,我国科研人员用了不到一周时间就确定了新冠病毒的全基因组序列,分离得到病毒毒株并向世界发布共享。我国在公共卫生和医疗健康领域多年积淀的科研能力、平台条件、人才储备和技术产品,使我们有信心有能力最终战胜这次新冠肺炎疫情,有力维护国家战略安全。图为科研人员在实验室进行病毒核酸提取。 军事医学研究院供图




  Clarify the main direction of scientific research and play a good game of chess in the country.According to the deployment of the central leading group for COVID-19 epidemic, and under the unified arrangement of the State Council’s joint prevention and control mechanism for COVID-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with 12 departments including health, drug administration and education, set up a scientific research team and an expert group composed of 14 academicians and experts, set up nine key work classes, concentrated the national superior scientific research strength, gave full play to the advantages of multi-sectoral coordination and cross-sectoral joint operations, and strengthened the coordination between the central and local governments, the military and the people, and the Industry-University-Research. Focusing on the five major tasks of clinical treatment and drug, vaccine research and development, detection technology and products, virus etiology and epidemiology, and animal model construction, we have deployed 47 emergency projects to fully carry out scientific research on epidemic prevention and control.


  The nucleic acid detection kit (isothermal amplification chip method) developed by several domestic scientific research institutions, including Covid-19, can detect six kinds of respiratory viruses, including Covid-19, at one time within 1.5 hours only by collecting secretion samples of patients such as nose and throat swabs. The picture shows the technicians showing the isothermal amplification chip. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun/photo

  Adhere to the combination of scientific research and clinical prevention and control, and provide strong scientific and technological support for "diagnosable, treatable, preventable and traceable".在可诊方面,疫情之初第一时间研发出核酸检测试剂盒,解决了迫在眉睫的问题;随着疫情防控中出现的检测操作繁琐、耗时长、错检率较高等问题,科研攻关组按照习近平总书记“英雄不论出处,谁有本事谁就揭榜”的要求,面向全国征集解决方案,推出了一批灵敏度高、操作便捷的快速核酸、抗原、抗体等检测设备和试剂。在可治方面,对SARS、MERS和普通冠状病毒5000余种药物进行了筛选,精选其中效果好的药物进入临床试用。针对轻型、普通型患者救治开展了磷酸氯喹、法匹拉韦临床研究,磷酸氯喹已纳入诊疗方案并成为临床救治用药。针对(危)重型患者,重点采用恢复期血浆、干细胞治疗等比较安全有效的手段。中医药和中西医结合治疗,在阻断轻型患者向重型患者发展方面取得明显成效。一个多月来,科研攻关的一批药物和救治技术已在临床救治中不断扩大应用,对于优化治疗方案、制定分型分层的治疗策略发挥了重要作用。目前,正在推动新一批潜在有效药物的筛选和临床研究。在可防方面,按照灭活疫苗、病毒重组蛋白疫苗、腺病毒载体疫苗、减毒流感病毒载体活疫苗、核酸疫苗等5个技术路线并行推进疫苗研发,On the premise of respecting scientific laws and ensuring safety and effectiveness, the workflow is optimized to the maximum extent, and the research and review are linked to ensure that the progress is not later than that of foreign countries. Carry out research on various transmission routes to provide scientific basis for targeted prevention and control during the resumption of work and production. Using artificial intelligence, big data and other new technologies to carry out research and judgment on epidemic development trend prediction and prevention and control strategy selection. In terms of traceability, efforts are made to find out the source of the virus from four aspects: environmental traceability, animal traceability, human traceability and molecular traceability. At the same time, speed up the construction of animal models to provide basic support for drug screening, vaccine development and virus detection. Strengthen communication with the World Health Organization and foreign research institutions, and actively carry out cooperative research.


  In the "Mobile Emergency Intelligent Chinese Medicine Pharmacy" of Wuhan Jiangxia Fangcang Hospital, the staff took down the medicine bottles containing the single medicine contained in the prescription and scanned them one by one to prepare the medicine. Xinhua News Agency reporter Shen Bohan/photo




  Aiming at the urgent needs of prevention and treatment in the front line, we will make scientific research strength and scientific research achievements more inclined to the front line.Firmly grasp the "window period" of epidemic prevention and control, take reducing the conversion from mild illness to severe illness and reducing the death rate of severe illness as the focus of current scientific research, adjust the key tasks of scientific research, and accelerate the progress of research and development and the application of results. Further screen effective drugs and treatment methods, support the research of joint drug use scheme, enhance the effect of drug treatment, and speed up the solution of urgent problems in first-line treatment through the coordination of clinical trials and treatment. Adhere to the unity of safety and effectiveness to carry out vaccine research and development, respect scientific laws and internationally accepted rules, distinguish emergency use from the use of the whole population, grasp the priorities, strengthen cooperation with relevant foreign research institutions, and make comprehensive prevention and control preparations for the normalization of epidemics. Virus traceability makes full use of big data, molecular biology and other advanced means to evaluate the possibility of suspicious animals as hosts, strengthen comprehensive research on environmental changes, continuously monitor the genetic variation information of Covid-19 at home and abroad, and identify the influencing laws and restrictive factors of virus spread. Focusing on the risk of importing foreign epidemic situation, the risk of transmission in specific places, the resumption of work and production, and the protection of susceptible people, we will carry out targeted research on transmission routes and risk prevention.

  Carry forward the spirit of scientists, encourage and guide researchers to show a good style of study.Excellent style of study is the lifeline of scientific research. In the scientific and technological circles, we should vigorously advocate serving the country with science and technology, advocating rigor and truth-seeking, advocating painstaking research, advocating rational questioning, advocating academic democracy, and taking epidemic prevention and control as the main battlefield of current scientific research work. Guide the vast number of scientific researchers to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of study of the older generation of scientists, be brave in taking responsibility and take the initiative to complete the task of "bombing bunkers" to overcome difficulties, and highlight the role of scientific research in the prevention and control of epidemic situation, and never say success lightly without a complete victory. Through the popularization of various forms of scientific knowledge and the dissemination of scientific methods, we will actively release the signal of scientific prevention and control to the public, ease social psychology, stabilize public sentiment, and inject "tranquilizers" into epidemic prevention and control.

  Strengthen forward-looking planning and accelerate the capacity building of disease prevention and control and public health research system in China.立足当前,着眼长远,统筹部署学科调整、基地建设、经费投入、项目实施、人才培养等科研攻关体系布局的各个关键环节,加强创新要素的集成和互动,优化科研攻关体系的基本架构和功能,使国家战略性科技力量、高精尖科技人才、高效能组织管理机制相互支撑,协同发力,形成建制化、体系化的对抗能力。加快关键核心技术攻关,对药物、疫苗、检测试剂、人工肺以及动物模型、分子生物学、人工智能、大数据分析、模拟仿真等重大基础、应用和医疗装备加大科技创新布局和支持力度。加强生命科学、生物安全等基础前沿领域布局,以应用需求带动基础研究,打造更多重大科技成果的“国之重器”,为解决公共卫生领域的全球性重大问题贡献中国智慧。
