Comments | Whoever gives more money is at the front of the line? Clear the takeaway "black workshop" Please release your "power of the famine"!

Mobile phone, takeaway door, this has become a way of life for many people nowadays. The birth of takeaway platforms has also become a representative of the Internet sharing economy model. However, takeout in the guise of the Internet does not all look so good.

Internet "food" replaces chaos

Black restaurants on takeaway platforms are repeatedly banned

Unlicensed restaurants, dirty kitchens, multiple shops, forged documents, and online display photos that are completely different from real photos are all major problems for restaurants on online ordering platforms.

In Jiulianzhuang, Hangzhou, there are many "online black workshops", the back kitchen is dirty and poor, and the hygiene conditions are not up to standard.

After "3.15", Baidu, Meituan, and three major food ordering platforms have removed unlicensed and unlicensed merchants from the shelves. However, less than half a year later, the media once again exposed that 3.15 offline black stores returned to, and used fake certificates to squeeze into Baidu and Meituan to recommend.

On the morning of August 10, the Beijing Municipal Food and Drug Administration interviewed a number of takeaway platforms such as Baidu, Meituan, and, and will file an investigation on the three platforms.  


Every time a black-hearted merchant is exposed, the takeaway platform always takes them offline as soon as possible.In the eyes of the regulatory authorities, being able to remove businesses that do not operate without licenses at such a fast pace shows that it is technically possible to do so. I didn’t do it before because I didn’t want to.

"Bidding Ranking" introduces illegal merchants operating without licenses

Recently, a media reporter investigated and found that,Meituan takeaway sells the recommended merchant rankings near the homepage through bidding ranking, and the merchant can rank high after purchasing.However, on the takeaway page that users saw, there were no promotion, advertising and other prompts. There was an unlicensed black shop called "Kao Yakiniku Rice" that got the top 5 rankings through bidding. How can the food safety of ordinary people be guaranteed? 

Internet home kitchen is full of hidden dangers

"Eat the taste of home" is the slogan of an internet catering platform. This gives consumers a different choice from takeaway platforms, but it is disturbing that similar O2O platforms do not conduct rigorous qualification checks when recruiting home chefs.

A customer service of the home kitchen platform said that after contacting the home chef, they will make an appointment with the chef to take pictures and review the environment. The chef can cook the dishes at the agreed time. In addition to requiring the kitchen to be above four square meters and submitting a health certificate, there are no other hard indicators, and no food business license is required.

Bringing together the surrounding resources to provide consumers with convenient or diverse personalized services.The combination of the Internet and the traditional catering industry should have improved our quality of life, but the reality is that online ordering has created hidden dangers for consumers’ food safety.Faced with the chaos on the tip of our tongue, how should we break it?

CCTV Review

"Bidding Rankings": Reversing Public Expectations

To be honest, the supervision of online catering platforms is a "new issue". We have mature methods for the supervision of traditional catering enterprises. However, it is difficult for companies providing online catering services to copy and apply traditional supervision methods.

On October 1 last year, the newly revised "Food Safety Law" was officially implemented, which expressly stipulates that the third-party platform provider of online food trading must register the operator’s real name, review its license, and even provide the operator’s real address and effective contact information. Therefore, people have high hopes for online platforms to strengthen their own supervision, hoping that online food delivery platforms can cherish feathers and play the role of consumer protection gods.

But the reality is that third-party platforms, eager to seize the market, have not only relaxed the legal obligation to review merchants’ qualifications, but also sold referrals through means such as "bidding rankings". Focusing on "profit", the online food delivery platform’s approach and public expectations are working in the opposite direction."Bidding ranking" has become a "sharp weapon" used by online food delivery platforms, but this "sharp weapon" is used for profit, not regulatory upgrading.

People are not unfamiliar with "bidding rankings". Some online search engines use auction-like methods to give the top search position or recommendation position to the "highest bidder". One obvious advantage of this approach is that it can greatly increase the profitability of enterprises. The disadvantages are also obvious: the recommended products or services to consumers are not necessarily high-quality, and in some cases it can mislead consumers.

The recommendation position of the online food delivery platform could have been composed of a variety of parameters. The distance to consumers, the recommendation made by relying on consumers’ eating habits, the speed of food delivery, and the praise of consumers can all make the service of the online food ordering platform go to the next level, butMeituan and other catering platforms have chosen the direction that is farthest from consumers and closest to corporate profits, which is a huge negative for consumers.

Awaken the responsibility of takeaway platforms and let new things enter a healthy development track

When consumers place orders on online food delivery platforms, they place dual trust in the platform and the catering service enterprises.The takeaway platform should shoulder its own responsibilities, can not turn a blind eye, make a great fortune quietly. At least, for the emergence of black workshops on the platform, the online food delivery platform should bear joint and several responsibility.

Some time ago, the Ministry of Transport released two important documents to regulate the development of the online car rental industry. One of the important signals released was that the car rental platform provides more than just "information" services or "matching" buyers and sellers. In the event of a traffic accident or safety accident, the platform has to bear important responsibilities. Similarly, the online food delivery platform is also not an "information provider", but a guarantee of service quality. In the event of a problem, the online platform is also to blame.

Break the traditional supervision model and let the online takeaway platform get rid of recklessness

Online food delivery service is a new thing, and there will inevitably be various new problems and challenges. In terms of regulating the development of new things, catering companies, online platforms, and regulatory authorities are indispensable. More importantlyIt is necessary to break the traditional supervision model and adopt supervision measures that adapt to the characteristics of online transactions on the Internet.

For example, the current takeaway platform is just a simple order. If we canUtilize current network technology, cloud computing, and other means to track and trace all ingredients and monitor all processing processes in real timeFrom the takeaway platform, you can not only see the real environment of the restaurant kitchen, but also see who is cooking for me, what seasonings are used, and what brand of oil is used. This will not only greatly enhance the consumer’s dining experience and give consumers a greater sense of security, but also make the third-party platform another safety gate beyond the traditional supervision model of food safety.

Only by upgrading supervision can online takeout platforms get rid of barbaric growth and gradually get out of the wilderness. Only by awakening responsibility can this new thing enter a healthy development track. We consumers can also eat safer and more at ease on the Internet.

 Written by CCTV Review, Wang Jian